Thursday, August 4, 2011

Who The Hell Is Christopher Lao?

Ah, okay! He is the Chinese guy (not sure about his ethnicity) who descends the waist-deep flood in Mother Ignacia, Quezon City a couple of days ago.

I saw this actual news 2 days ago and I think...

This guy rocks! NOT! This dude is so dumb that her mother will gonna spank him in the butt when he gets home.

This is the dumbest explanation you'd ever get from a decent guy like this one.

He totally blame it to the government, particularly the MMDA, because he said that there's no MMDA person around to warn people not to cross the road. (That sucks!)

I think this guy thinks he's Frank Martin (The Transporter).

Or maybe... he thinks he's a superhero, a superhero without a common sense.

Or maybe... he needs to go home to take a shit.

Or maybe... he needs to go to the gym to work on his muscles. (Wow, that's a very urgent matter)

Or maybe... well, that fitted shirt won't help him gets his way out of there. I think he's just frustrated like any driver would.

But come on! Nobody would ever do that.

At least he's now famous. Thanks to social media phenomena because he's now trending on Twitter or maybe he now has his own Facebook fan page right at this very moment.


Check his video out!

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